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Salt of the Earth Ocean & Coconut Refillable Roll-on, 75ml

Salt of the Earth Ocean & Coconut Refillable Roll-on, 75ml

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Salt of the Earth's Ocean & Coconut vegan natural deodorant roll on features ocean notes blended with a touch of melon, citrus and coconut. Our Ocean & Coconut Natural Deodorant roll-on offers long-lasting, effective protection from body odour and is made from 100% natural ingredients, including soothing aloe vera.

Improved formula: Now contains natural moisturising factor, features quicker drying and increased protection against body odour.

Refillable: This roll-on pack has been specifically designed to be easy to refill using one of our 525ml roll-on refill bottles.  One roll-on refill uses 65% less plastic than seven roll-ons.