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Real Thai Rice Stick 375g Meats & Eats

Real Thai Rice Sticks 5mm, 375g

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Real Thai is a well-known brand made of spicy ingredients that delights your food preparations. Real thai rice stick 10mm 375gm comes with really surprising taste of rice noodles. These rice sticks are perfect to be a part of your daily meal. It can be prepared easily by just boiling with hot water. Get indulge yourself with this thai rice sticks which is a perfect dish to be added into your daily meals. Highly soft to chew these rice sticks melts itself in your mouth instantly leaving a ultra-delicious taste behind. The nutritional and healthy rice sticks contains ninety percent rice flour and ten percent of water. Features & details •100 percent natural rice noodles •Get addicted to the mouthwatering taste of thai rice sticks and stay healthy •Savor every moment of your meal with the rice stick •The taste is just fine while it is soft to chew •This is a Vegetarian product