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Dalla Costa Quinoa Penne 400g Meats & Eats

Dalla Costa 8% Quinoa Penne, 400g

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From the wellness project undertaken a few years ago by the Dalla Costa pasta factory, a new line of special pastas is born : Harmony life certified VeganOk. The range includes various types of pasta, from classic shapes with the addition of lentils , to cereals other than durum wheat semolina, such as barley , rye and quinoa . These pastas respond to the growing demand for following a balanced diet through functional products, formulated with natural raw materials that contribute to enriching the product with fibers and proteins.

Product Specifications:

Durum wheat semolina pasta.
Source of fibre. Dried at low temperature

Ingredients: Durum wheat semolina , Quinoa flour (Chenopodium quinoa) 8%.