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Lurpak Garlic Butter 125g Meats & Eats

Lurpak Garlic Butter, 125g

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Set your senses alive with the great fusion of our creamy Lurpak® butter with the rich, complex taste of garlic. Lurpak® with crushed garlic is the ideal combination, a match made in heaven. And in a handy compact 125g size it's perfect just to simply slice off what you need and let the heat turn up in the kitchen. Let Lurpak® garlic butter sizzle in your hot pan of seasonal veg, melt it into your hearty soup, or spread it onto some freshly hand baked bread. Turn simple into glorious. The crushed garlic richness delivers in every savoury creation you rustle up in the kitchen. For people who love Good Food, Lurpak® makes it even better. Now sleeves up. Today we cook bold.