The color is dazzling, the bouquet is persistent, the body is supple and vigorous. It is rare to achieve such refinement in fruit aromas. It can be drunk very young, when the charm and fruit dominate, and blend with the taste of vanilla from the barrels where it matured.
This wine is then that of the modern consumer, who likes fresh tannins. It can also be drunk very old, when it displays this impeccable presence, this stripped-down distinction, and these incomparable aromas. In this way, it is similar to the rare wines of the world which can survive several decades.
This wine is then that of the modern consumer, who likes fresh tannins. It can also be drunk very old, when it displays this impeccable presence, this stripped-down distinction, and these incomparable aromas. In this way, it is similar to the rare wines of the world which can survive several decades.