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Drink Me Chai Vegan Chai Latte 250g Meats & Eats

Drink Me Chai Vegan Chai Latte, 250g

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Unique instant blend of VEGAN friendly spiced chai latte powder, a mixture of exotic spices with soy protein & sweetened black tea. No need for Soya, Almond or Oat milk. Our unique vegan chai latte recipe contains SOYA milk which means you can make it instantly with water.



Make Me

Chai Latte: 3 teaspoons of powder into a cup. Stir in 200ml hot water.

Iced Chai Latte: 4 teaspoons of powder into a tall glass. Pour in your choice of cold milk and whizz with a milk frother. Serve over ice.

Eat me: Our Chai Latte powder makes more than just delicious drinks. Try adding to baking or sprinkle over porridge!